Charge: Sexual Battery
Result: State dismissed the charges after reviewing evidence presented by the defense.
Charge: Rape, (State alleged Client signed a confession)
facing: minimum mandatory 25 years, no parole
Result: Not Guilty Verdict after jury trial
Charge: Sex Offender Registration Monitoring-failure to register.
facing: up to two years.
Result: After trial, Not Guilty Verdict.
Charge: 3 counts of rape, one count of sexual battery.
facing: 15 years mandatory.
Result: Charges reduced, 10 years probation.
Charge: Client investigated for exploitation of a minor, pornography.
facing: 8 years mandatory state prison if charged and convicted.
Result: After defense investigation State decided not to bring charges.
Charge: 7 counts of receipt of child pornography, 1 count of possession.
facing: 5 years minimum mandatory Federal prison and up to 30 years.
Result: 7 counts of receipt of child pornography dismissed. No mandatory prison.
Charge: Aggravated Sexual Battery.
facing: 15 years at 100%.
Result: Charges dismissed by the State before trial, after the defense investigation.
Charge: Statutory Rape, Solicitation of a minor, Causal Exchange of drugs to minor, contributing to delinquency of minor.
facing: 20 years.
Result: Statutory Rape, Solicitation of a minor, and Contributing charges all dismissed, client received time served and probation on Drug charge
Charges: 2 counts aggravated statutory rape, 3 counts providing alcohol to minor, 1 count false report.
facing: 13 years and sex offender registry.
Result: Aggravated statutory rape counts dismissed, client given two years probation on alcohol charge and on false report charge.
Charge: 4 counts aggravated sexual battery
facing: 48 years in prison at 100%
Result: After first trial with hung jury 9 in favor of acquittal State dismissed all charges.