Nashville Methamphetamine Lawyers

With the use of methamphetamines (meth) on the rise, state law enforcement recently decided to enact very strict laws to combat the production and abuse of the drug. The charges involved in a methamphetamine possession case are serious and can have detrimental and long lasting effects on a person’s life. The allegation alone of a crime involving meth can affect your personal life, professional career, and overall reputation. Methamphetamine possession charges are especially complicated and confusing because a police officer does not need to find meth in your pocket or hand in order to charge you with possession. By law, if an officer finds the substance on your property or simply within your reach, they can arrest you or charge you with possession of meth. Because of this law, it is easy for police to make false arrests and charge someone who did not actually own the drugs.

Luckily, you do not need to fight these drug charges alone. Having a strong Nashville methamphetamine lawyer on your side can be the key difference in the outcome of your case. The attorneys at Horst Law have many years of experience defending those charged with meth-related crimes and are prepared to help you through this overwhelming experience.

Possible Consequences of a Methamphetamine Possession Conviction

The consequences of any crime involving methamphetamines are serious and can have lasting negative effects on a person’s life. In the state of Tennessee, a first-time methamphetamine possession charge is a class A misdemeanor. The consequences of a first-time charge include up to 1 year in prison and $2,500 in fines. The consequences for a repeat offender of methamphetamine possession are naturally more extreme. These consequences include:

  • 1 to 6 years in prison
  • Up to $3,000 in fines
  • Lifetime status as a felon

Whether this is your first offense in a meth-related crime or you have found yourself in this predicament before, it is important to have a defense lawyer who will do everything in their power to protect and defend your rights.

Contact a Nashville Methamphetamines Law Firm Today

If you are charged with any crime involving methamphetamines, it is essential to have an intelligent and experienced defense team on your side. The lawyers at Horst Law are prepared to create a strategy specific to your case in order to pursue the best possible outcome. If you have any questions or would like to discuss your case with one of our lawyers, contact our Nashville offices today at .